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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]* 25 oct. - la conception est achevée
@makenoisemusic Anthony T. Rolando
Been thinking about it for weeks, something was incomplete... but just now designed the missing portion of the Make Noise oscillator. FIN!"
* 26 oct. - l'Oscillator contient 6 vactrols
makenoisemusic Anthony T. Rolando @
@therealrydan the only spec I can giveon the Oscillator is that it contains SIX Vactrols
makenoisemusic Anthony T. Rolando
Drawing the circuit art for the VCO... only 985 pins to connect with just 688 wires to make the 344 components oscillate!
* 3 nov.
Drawing wires all day. 1st draft of Oscillator circuit artwork 80% completed. Check in w/ Agent Dale Cooper, then hopefully find sleep.
* 4 nov.
1st draft of Oscillator circuit art is complete and checked.